Monday, February 21, 2022

Reviewing The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy


I read 3/5 of The Gap and the Gain, by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy this past weekend. I thought the principles and concepts presented were absolutely excellent and useful.

High level, the two authors discuss the importance of focusing on your progress every day by measuring it by looking at your past accomplishments, (THE GAIN), rather than an ambiguous ideal goal (THE GAP).

Dan Sullivan says, "Your future growth and progress are now based on your understanding about the difference between the two ways in which you can measure yourself: against an ideal, which puts you what I call 'the GAP' and against your starting point, which puts you in 'the Gain', appreciated all you've accomplished. "

The authors also present the idea of wants and needs; and how one should not tie their happiness or sense of worth to external factors. Basically, if you 'need' something external to be fulfilled, you are always putting yourself at risk. Instead, look internally to find your self-worth and contenement, and turn your needs into wants, thus, limiting external factors' ability to affect you as a person. 

I will plan to share more in the upcoming days, iA.

Take care and be safe


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